Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Harrison Bergeron

Hello! My name is Annie and welcome to my blog AnnasBannas! My favorite text from the summer reading was "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut. The whole concept of the story shocks me every time I think about it. The most challenging part is to think that the government would dumb people down, or make people less beautiful, or even put a handicap on them just so every was "equal. " It was inspirational how Harrison stood up to authority because it gave the people hope but was taken away when he was cruelly shot.  It was horrifying to think that this is what the author thought post America  would be like.Also it is crazy that every one was so brainwashed that Harrison's own parents cant even remember their own son getting shot on public television. My favorite quote from the text is, " Even as I stand here-" he bellowed, crippled, hobbled, sicken - I am a greater ruler than any man who ever lived! Now watch me become what I can become!" I found this quote so inspirational because Harrison was not letting anyone hold him back from being the best person he could be.

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