Sunday, October 27, 2013

Intro Paragraph: Revised

In her poem “Barbie Doll,” Marge Piercy uses symbolism of traditional female toys to portray the struggles of a young girl growing up in a world where people only judge her for the way she looks. People believe the only way to be happy is to be perfect on the outside because this is what they are presented with from birth. Marge Piercy’s poem is called “Barbie Doll” to symbolize what the expected female role is, in comparison to a doll. Throughout her poem, Marge Piercy constantly uses symbolism of traditional female toys to depict what the world thinks the perfect women should aspire to be.

In her poem “Barbie Doll,” Marge Piercy uses symbolism of traditional female toys and stereotypes of women to portray the struggles of a young girl growing up in a world where people only judge her for the way she looks. The girl believes she must be perfect on the outside if she wants to be happy. Marge Piercy’s poem is called “Barbie Doll” to symbolize the expected female role, by comparing people to a non-life like toy; the Barbie doll. Throughout her poem Marge Piercy uses symbolism of traditional female toys and stereotypes of women to depict how the world thinks the perfect women should aspire to be. 

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